Please play in full screen so everything is shown as intended.   

This game was made in one week for the  GJL Game Parade Summer 2021 jam.

About the game

In one Time Puzzle you have to simply reach the portal in each level. You can however, only use each movement once. When you start walking in one direction, after stopping or changing directions you won't be able to walk in that direction again.
The idea turned out to be quiet boring in terms of gameplay, but with the introduction of more mechanics to actually create interesting puzzles, we might be able to still make this a fun little game after the jam.

The goal for the developer team was to get better at coding and pixel art. The art improved a lot compared to the first sketches and the game has a functioning level selection screen as well as fading music between stages (two things Silas wanted to figure out how to do)


A - move left

D - move right

SPACE - jump

S - stop all movement

W - interact with logs to teleport

R - retry

SHIFT + X -  go to main menu (this will currently make the level select unusable)


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(1 edit) (+1)

This was pretty fun!

(1 edit) (+1)

Very relaxing, at first I thought it was too simple, but at the same time, I couldn't stop playing. The music was very relaxing, and there was something about its simplicity that made it very enjoyable. I was motivated to keep playing from my curiosity to see how much variation or complicated the puzzles could get with such limited interactions / input. Loved it.- Brennan

